Say Goodbye to Acne: A Comprehensive Guide to Acne-Prone Skin
The Good Skin Blog

Say Goodbye to Acne: A Comprehensive Guide to Acne-Prone Skin

Oct 04, 2023


Acne can be relentless, wreaking our self-esteem and causing frustration. But worry not; we are here to guide you on your journey to clear and radiant skin. Acne-prone skin can be managed effectively with the right skincare routine. We'll explore the causes of acne, the importance of a proper skincare routine, and provide a detailed morning and night skincare routine designed to banish acne for good.


Understanding Acne

Acne, a common skin condition, occurs when the sebaceous glands become inflamed or infected. This leads to the formation of red pimples, typically on the face. Various factors can trigger acne, including stress, hormonal imbalances, and bacterial contact. Fortunately, a well-crafted skincare routine can help you tackle these issues head-on.

The Importance of a Skincare Routine

Maintaining clear, healthy skin is not just about using random products sporadically. It requires consistency and a structured routine tailored to your skin type. Here's why a skincare routine is essential:

  1. Cleansing: Proper cleansing is the foundation of any skincare routine. It removes dirt, grime, and makeup residue from your skin's surface, preventing clogged pores and breakouts.

  2. Hydration: A well-hydrated skin barrier is less prone to acne. Hydrated skin is plump and less likely to produce excess oil, a common acne culprit.

  3. Targeted Treatments: Acne-prone skin benefits from specialized treatments that combat acne-causing bacteria, soothe inflammation, and balance oil production.


Morning Routine

Your morning skincare routine is your first line of defense against acne. It prepares your skin for the day ahead, ensuring a clean canvas for makeup and reducing the risk of breakouts throughout the day. Here's a morning routine to help you achieve clear skin:

  1. Dokdo Cleanser: Start your day by cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser like Dokdo Cleanser. This removes overnight impurities and preps your skin for the following steps. Shop here.

  2. Dokdo Toner: Apply Dokdo Toner to balance your skin's pH and prepare it to absorb subsequent products. Shop here.

  3. Pine Calming Cica Ampoule: This ampoule soothes inflammation and promotes skin healing, essential for acne-prone skin. Shop here.

  4. Pine Calming Cica Cream: Follow up with Pine Calming Cica Cream, a moisturizer that helps lock in hydration without clogging pores. Shop here.

  5. Birch Moisturizing Sunscreen: Finish your morning routine with Birch Mild Up Sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, which can worsen acne. Shop here.

* You can mix and match the products below to create your own routine, or follow the order of products depending the time of application!


Night Routine

Your nighttime skincare routine is equally crucial in managing acne. It's the time when your skin regenerates and repairs itself, making it an ideal opportunity to treat and prevent breakouts. Here's an effective nighttime routine:

  1. Dokdo Cleansing Oil: Begin your nighttime routine with Dokdo Cleansing Oil to dissolve makeup and impurities. Shop here.

  2. Dokdo Cleanser: Follow up with Dokdo Cleanser for a thorough cleanse, ensuring all traces of makeup and dirt are removed. Shop here.

  3. Dokdo Toner: Apply Dokdo Toner to balance your skin's pH and prepare it to absorb subsequent products. Shop here.

  4. Mugwort Calming Sheet Mask (optional): For added hydration and nourishment, use the Mugwort Calming Sheet Mask. It's a great way to heal and to soothe damaged skin. Shop here.

  5. Pine Calming Cica Ampoule: Reapply the Pine Calming Cica Ampoule to calm inflammation and aid skin repair. Shop here.

  6. Pine Calming Cica Cream: Finish your night routine with Pine Calming Cica Cream, sealing in moisture and promoting skin healing while you sleep. Shop here.

You can mix and match the products below to create your own routine, or follow the order of products depending the time of application!



Achieving and maintaining clear skin is within your reach. By establishing a consistent morning and night skincare routine tailored to your skin's needs, you can bid farewell to acne. Remember, the key to success is patience and perseverance. Stick to your routine, and over time, you'll witness the transformation of your skin into a radiant, acne-free canvas ready to face the world with confidence.